Mane Wong, founder of LAZY DUO
LAZY DUO is an independent design-driven brand dedicated in making realistic, artistic and high quality temporary tattoo. Based in Hong Kong, established by Mane Wong ( animator / tattoo artist ) and Man Tsang ( manga artist ) in Sep 2015. We love tattoo art for the special power that makes people feel strong, unique and beautiful, so we hope to bring to the world the most satisfying temporary tattoo that everyone can happily tattooed with no doubt!LAZY DUO temporary tattoo uses skin-safe & non-toxic ink ingredients. Our product is approved by FDA, multiple EU and US safety standards and irritation tests. It is safe for ages above 3. LAZY DUO temporary tattoos are waterproof and sweat-proof. It lasts at least 4 - 6 days even with daily exposure to showers, swimming and ocean surfing. To keep the image lasts longer, avoid to rub on it. All of the tattoos have a 5 year shelf life.
LAZY DUO believes happiness is sharing. We supports a range of different charities. Every time you buy from LAZY DUO you are supporting local artists and something important. For each temporary tattoo sell, a minimum of 10% of the proceeds is donated to a cause. We want our customers to look good, feel good, have fun, choice, give back and support others with us.❰ 成 立 理 念 ❱
「放下工作,創作快樂」是 LAZY DUO 的成立理念,想給自己和大家像真度極高的紋身貼紙來體驗一擁紋身的樂趣。Man-yee 曾於美國修讀讀畫和插畫,而她身邊的人大都是有紋身的,當中有剛做父母的、年輕愛玩的、溫柔文靜的、學音樂的、愛跳舞的、專業的、上年紀的⋯ 而沒有紋身和學動畫的 Man-yee 很喜歡聽故事,總是非常好奇每一個紋身的由來。在不同的交談下,令她更欣賞的是每個獨特紋身圖案下的故事和經歷。 2014年 Man-yee 回港後,決定伙伴 Man僧 一起利用擅長的畫技來製作較易被接受的短暫紋身貼紙。他們亦深信文字所能賦予的正能量,希望藉著親手寫的鼓勵語句紋身貼紙來替別人打氣。
❰ 關 於 LAZY DUO ❱
LAZY DUO 是於 2015年 9月成立的本地原創紋身貼紙品牌,由香港兩位本地藝術創作人 - 動畫師+紋身師 Man-yee 和 漫畫家 Man僧 花了一年時間來創作和研製,主打手繪設計、精緻細膩、風格多變 且 像真度高的紋身貼紙。可維持 4-6天、防水防汗 和 高防敏,使用皮膚專用的化妝品專用著色劑,已獲取歐盟和美國化妝品級的安全和防敏測試認證。圖案手繪上色,線條及顏色自然 且 保留了墨水的流動質感。希望能帶給大家最像真和滿足的短暫紋身體驗。❰ 分 享 快 樂 ❱
另外,LAZY DUO 的成立是希望以小小的繪畫能力來帶給別人快樂。相信除了美麗外表令人自信快樂,也認為幸福需要分享。所以當你每購買一個 LAZY DUO 的產品,10% 的收益會捐給一些國際和本地認可的義工和慈善機構。 因此你不只在支持本地原創,也同時幫助了其他更有需要的人和動物。
Tattoo Artist's Mane Wong Instagram
Artist's Man Tsang Instagram
Last updated: April 9, 2019